We are excited to welcome morning keynote speaker Adis Vila to our Summit on July 29th. Vila is accomplished in many areas and has been a thought-provoking speaker when it comes to inclusion in the workplace. It is vital that we understand how inclusiveness impacts and benefits at all levels. While the topic is one we are all likely familiar, it deserves a second look. All members of an organization should embrace and promote inclusiveness in the workplace, and not just for the health of the organization, but for each individual’s well-being.
We all expect policy to be invented and adopted from the top down. But we should also expect complete and informed buy-in from leadership as we increase inclusiveness across the board. This is not just a matter-of-fact policy but a new way of thinking that can impact business in real ways.
Once management understands the need for a diverse workforce, we move on to agreement from the entire team. This is at least one place where the workforce may be ahead of leadership. Many studies have shown that a majority of employees think their company should be more diverse. Moreover, they believe their company isn’t doing enough to promote diversity and inclusion. It is vital that all levels of employees have empathy and take ownership of this part of the process. If there is a gap in acceptance, the ripple effect of this could be significant.
Still, countless studies cite the conscious and unconscious bias of hiring managers. Counteracting this preconception is not a quick fix but rather a deliberate process. Vila shares her research and perspective with corporations, boards, and even the military, and offers candid insight for building a diverse team right from the start. Vila addresses how leadership should be prepared to explain how diversity and inclusiveness can drive innovation, enhance human capital performance, lower employee turnover, support the firm’s competitive advantage, and enhance the firm’s ability to execute on its strategic vision.
At CLI, we believe inclusiveness is about creating a culture where everyone has a voice and where differences are celebrated to achieve shared success. And not just in the legal profession; any business can be strengthened by a diverse and inclusive workplace. Please join us on July 29th as we explore this topic further.
About this Speaker
A member of The Florida Bar and the Washington DC Bar, Adis Vila earned a law degree from the Levin College of Law at the University of Florida, a Diplôme in International Law from the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (Geneva, Switzerland), an MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, and a BA in Mathematics from Rollins College.
Vila was named one of Hispanic Executive’s Leading Latinas in 2018. She was honored with the “Woman Trailblazer” Award, Dorothy Height “Hats Off to You” Award, and “Women of Distinction” Award by The University of Akron, Girl Scouts of Colorado, and Delta Sigma Theta, respectively. Her work at the Air Force Academy was recognized with the Higher Education Excellence in Diversity (HEED) Award, the “Dare to Dream Award” by the Colorado Springs Diversity Forum, and an INNOVATION Award by The Diversity Journal.
Learn more about Adis Vila by clicking here