About Diversity & Inclusiveness
Did you know that the legal profession is ranked as one of the lowest among all professions for racial and ethnic diversity?

Women have made up about 50% of law students for over 20 years, but they make up only 36% of legal professionals and only 21% of partners at large law firms (NALP, 2016).

Racial and ethnic minorities made up almost 27% of 2014 law school graduates, yet they make up only 14% of lawyers and 8% of partners at large law firms (NALP, 2015).

Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender attorneys represent about 2% of attorneys, compared to an estimated 3 to 5% of the general population (NALP, 2015).
After eight years, 86% of minority female associates have left the legal profession, and minority females comprise less than 2% of partners in large law firms (ABA, 2006).