We are so thrilled to be welcoming Ronetta J Francis to our Summit this Summer. Her message “Bloom Where You’re Planted,” inspired such a feeling of positivity and hope we couldn’t wait to get her on board. In anticipation of her keynote presentation, we are examining ways to keep yourself positive at work and beyond.
Start with You
Positive thoughts generate positive speech and positive actions, that is a fact. But thinking positively is not always as easy as it sounds. You need to make a conscious effort to see the good. For some, the default is finding a way to say no. Instead, find a way to say yes. The energy around positive people is second to none. Strive to be that positive person in your office and in your home; You will be surprised at how contagious it is.
Keep Learning
Feeling frustration at work can often come from a lack of knowledge. Are you staying current with the trends in your industry? Are you looking for ways to think outside of the box and ahead of the curve? In this day and age of technological advancements occurring almost daily, access to information is literally at your fingertips. So, if you come across subject matter or trend with which you are not familiar or well versed – don’t beat yourself up about it; take it in stride and take the initiative to educate yourself. Learning something new can be energizing and powerful. Want to take it even further? Share what you know with others. Teaching is a positive way to connect, too.
Build Relationships
Surround yourself with positive people. The secret to sustained success is that we are not intended to do it all on our own. Take the time to build strong and positive relationships at work; the goodwill that you create by lending a listening ear and supporting and cheering on your colleagues will be returned to you many times over. Knowing that you have an ally can keep you motivated when you need it.
Take Five
There will be times when it seems like everything that could go wrong did go wrong. But those setback moments are also moments of growth. Take advantage of those moments to maximize your development. Before diving in to tackle the challenges at hand, take a break to refresh and refocus – step away from your desk or work space for a quick walk or a drink of water. Frankly, you might be amazed at what a few minutes of simple deep breathing can do for a seemingly impossible situation. Once refreshed, get back to it.
About this Speaker
Ronetta is a passionate public speaker, who believes in the power of positivity. In her coaching and training practice, she uses her dynamic “Bloom Where You’re Planted” Executive Coaching and Leadership Development Program™, to support and empower leaders to challenge the status quo, embrace their talents and refine their executive presence. Her program is founded on the principle that when women own their brilliance and lead with authenticity, they flourish. She has a genuine heart for serving others and giving back to her community; she is a member of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. and The Links, Incorporated, and provides support to the Samaritan Center and the Northwest Arkansas Women’s Shelter, as well as the National Alliance on Mental Illness and the Alzheimer’s Association. To learn more about this speaker click here.