All humans habitually categorize and group others who are “different” from “us,” which often lends to black and white thinking, as in “good” versus “bad” or “native” versus “immigrant” and a host of other isolating labels. With this inclusivity presentation, Ellen (Ellie) Krug offers an innovative toolset—Gray Area Thinking©—for interacting with diverse humans in a mindful and compassionate way. Attendees will appreciate and value how it’s necessary to consciously engage in Gray Area Thinking© in their daily activities. Doing so will lead to a more inclusive life!
Gray Area Thinking© is a simple three-part toolset for interacting with diverse humans: (1) awareness of another human’s vulnerability or suffering; (2) risk-taking to alleviate or lessen that vulnerability or suffering; and (3) compassion and kindness both for others and for oneself.